Here are top 10 examples of what you can do with papaya leaves.
There are a lot of things we can do with papaya leaves; it doesn’t really mean that you have to throw the leaves away when you’re through with the fruit. The leaf contains as much medicinal ability as the fruit itself. This article contains 10 examples of what you can do with papaya leaves.
1. Dried papaya leaves fully grinded and mixed with honey is a perfect cure for cough and fever.
2. Fresh papaya leaves boiled in hot water is a very strong medicine for malaria.
3. Fresh juice from grinded papaya leaves can be used to heal open wounds and sores.
4. Fresh papaya leaves eaten raw with onions can boost your urine system especially if you’re having an overactive bladder.
5. Juice made from the leaves can be used as a skin cleansing agent.
6. Fresh papaya leaves boiled with sliced pieces of orange can help and it’s a perfect reduction agent.
7. Fresh papaya leaves eaten raw can boost your ability in bed thereby making you become better at everything in bed.
8. To glasses of tea daily made from the leaves can help reduce menstrual cramps.
9. Juice made from papaya leaves can be used to send away eczema. But scrub face first with soap before applying it..
10. Lastly, it can be eaten as food especially when fried with an egg.
THE RECIPE IS AS FOLLOW:Wash and partly dry several medium-size papaya leaves.
Cut them up like cabbage and place them in a saucepanwith 2 quarts/ litres of water.
Bring the water and leaves to the boil and simmer without a lid until the water is reduced by half.
Strain the liquid and bottle in glass containers.
The concentrate will keep in the refrigerator for three to four days. If it becomes cloudy, it should be discarded.
Additional tip:- Add six sticks of Liquorice for taste.The recommended dosage in the original recipe is 3 Tablespoons/ 50ml three times a day.
It is recommended to read Papaya The Medicine Tree for the interesting stories of 'incurable' people who have used this extract to beat their cancer, and for other medicinal uses of papaya.
Equipment:For optimum effectiveness use a glass, porcelain, or ceramic container that has a lid of the same material. Make sure that the container does not contain lead, use non-fluoridated water only, and avoid teflon or other synthetic materials when brewing the tea.