Sunday, July 31, 2011

Today Lesson


Ballando - 32 counts
Canam Tango -64 counts
Raise your glass - 64 counts

Monday, July 25, 2011

Tri-Factor Glam Night

Location: KL Live
Date: 22nd October 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 6pm-12am

It is Malaysia's FIRST EVER fashion concert, proudly presented by Event Managing Club (EMC) of HELP University College!

The Grand Finale will be held on 22nd October, at KL Live! A bunch of SUPER STARS like Jaclyn Victor, beathesystem and the Asia Supermodel Eleen Yong will be coming!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

23.7.11-Charity Event

Lam, Lim, Kim, Tean, Joyce and myself went to Pusat Jagaaon Anbe Sivam, No 2 Jalan Sri Siantan 35, Tamam Sri Andalas-Tel : 03-33733517 to do a charity event on 23.7.2011.
A Cheque of RM1,000 donated by Joyce from the Love 2 Dance party.
A cheque of RM500 donated by Christina Chan(representing by Kim)

Today Lesson


Only Girl

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Today Lesson


Make this Day - 64 counts
Dr Wanna Do - 32 counts

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Today Lesson


Ring a Ding - 32 count
Chicken Walk Jive - 64 count
A touch of Rumba - 32 count

Friday, July 8, 2011




Chia was first used as a food as early as 3500 BCE, and grown by the Toltec and Teotiahuan civilizations before the arrival of the Aztecs in Mexico. These peoples considered chia a sacred food and medicine.

What is special about Chia ?

High Content of Quality Plant OMEGA-3
Chia has the highest-know percentage of omega-3 among plants. It offers an astoundingly balanced 3:1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 oil. The full-range of benefits provided by omega-3 and omega-6 oils include enhancing heart health, boosting brain function, improving mood, immune enhancement, and supporting healthy skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.

100gm of CHIA = 545ml milk (calcium)

= 400gm spinach (Iron)
= 216gm nuts (Magnesium)
= 992gm salmon (Omega 3)
= 294gm oats (Fiber)
= 900gm oranges (Antioxidants)
= 178gm bananas (Potassium)

Broad spectrum of easy digestible NUTRIENTsChia contains important micronutrients all readily assimilated because chia is whole food. Thier shells are easily broken down, even when wsallowed whole. As the nutrients travel to the cells very quickly due to the ease in digestion and assimilation. Our body will use them when you want to build or regenerate healthy body tissue. This is an advantage over flax seed, which have to be ground up to be digested properly.

Safe and Effective Weight Management

Chia seeds will help you lose weight, for three reasons:

1. They are so filling that you will eat less of other foods.
2. They actually bulk up and cleanse the junk in your intestines.
3. Chia can be used to replace the intake of unhealthy fat


Anti-Cancer : Citral Can Kill Cancer Cell

Doctors and reseachers have discovered that 1 gram of lemongrass contains enough Citral to prompt cancer cells to commit suicide! Citral has been shown to cause apoptosis (self destruct) in cancer cells.

Cancer patients in Israel are encouraged by their doctors to drink fresh lemongrass tea on the days they go in for radiation or chemotherapy treatments to help the healing process.

What is Citralife?
Citralife lemongrass herbal tea is named for it's high Citral content since it has 280% more Citral compared to fresh lemongrass by weight.

Journal and Research (Click here)


A recent study by the Food and Nutrition Research Institue of the department of Science and Technology (DOST) claims that every 100 grams of edible lemon grass, when boiled can contain up to 24.205 micrograms of beta-carotene the powerful anti-oxidant that scientist believe can help prevent cancer.

Reference (Click here)


Citralife lemongrass herb contains citral that detoxifies the body by increasing the quantity and frequency of urination. This helps to clean the kidney, liver, pancreas, digestive tract, bladder etc and removes unwanted toxic substances through the urine.

Removal of uric acid and toxic substances from the body and thus Citralife lemongrass helps to lose weight.

Reference (Click here)

Reduce Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Being a detoxifier, lemongrass contains citral that removes excess cholesterol, uric acid, toxins and fats from the body. This stimulates blood circulation throughout the body. Drinking a glass of Citralifelemongrass herbal tea everyday helps to reduce blood pressure.

The link between lemongrass and cholesterol was investigated by researchers from the Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Wisconsin, who published their findings in the medical journal Lipids in 1989. They conducted a clinical trial involving 22 people with high cholesterol who took 140-mg capsules of lemongrass oil daily. While cholesterol levels were only slightly affected in some of the participants,cholesterol was lowered from 310 to 294 on average,other people in the study experienced a significant decrease in blood fats. The latter group, characterized as responders, experienced a 25-point drop in cholesterol after one month, and this positive trend continued over the course of the short study.

After three months, cholesterol levels among the responders had decreased by a significant 38 points. Once the responders stopped taking lemongrass, their cholesterol returned to previous levels. It should be noted that this study did not involve a placebo group, which is usually used to help measure the effects of the agent being studied (in this case, lemongrass oil).

Encyclopedia and Article (Click here)


It helps in throwing away the toxic substances from the body and is the ideal cleanser for the pancreas, liver, colon, bladder and kidney. It is easy on the stomach and aids in proper digestion.

Article , Press Release and Article (Click here)

Fever, Flu and Cold

This lemongrass has amazing medicinal properties and is used since ages. As this grass helps to get rid of fever, it is also know as fever grass.
and Reference (Click here)

Stomach Ache

Lemongrass is principally taken as a tea to remedy digestive problems, diarrhea and stomachache. It relaxes the muscles of the stomach and gut, relieves cramping pains and flatulence and is particularly suitable for children.
(Click here)

Antibacterial and Antifungal

Lemon grass has antibacterial and antifungal properties which help to deal with lot of health problems. It is the herb which is used in many homes to cope mainly with cough, cold and fever. However, lots of people are unaware that this wonderful herb can provide lots of health benefits.
Reference (Click here)

Arthritis, Gout and Sprains

Lemongrass are ideal for people suffering from arthritis problems. Patients suffering from ailments like bone related problems and osteoarthritis are highly benefited by using lemongrass.
(Click here)

Ease Flatulence (gas in stomach)

Lemon grass and its oil are carminative, valuable in relieving flatulence.
(Click here)

Ease Stomach Cramp and Pain

Lemongrass is an effective pain killer. It has been proven to lower cholesterol. It has been used for soothing aching feet, tired muscles and painful backs. It helps with excessive perspiration and flatulence.
and Article (Click here)

Help to Improve Digestive System

Citralife lemongrass promotes digestion of food and gives relief from gastroenteritis. it is also an ideal remedy for those who have flatulence. It allows the muscles in the abdominal region to relax and release gas.

It has shown positive results in people who want to keep a check on their weight. It helps in cutting down the flab and helps to reduce those extra pounds of flesh. Cellulite formation can be controlled with lemongrass. Lemon grass leaves lends it an exceptional tang to the food and hence it is used in many non vegetarian poultry and fish dishes.

Article (Click here)

Help to Cope with Stress

Hypertensive patients are given daily dose of lemon grass concoction as it helps to maintain their blood pressure levels and keeps them calm and cool. This refreshing drink raises the resistance levels in our body.

It has a calming and comforting effect and is successful in relieving anxiety and nervous tension. Lemon Grass is also referred to as Sweet Rush and it is known as Fever Grass

Article (Click here)

Help to Deal with Menstrual Problems

An infusion of the grass, mixed with black pepper, is given in painful and difficult menstruation. Raw juice or decoction of the grass may be taken in such a condition.

Researchers have found that Lemongrass does hold antidepressant, anti-oxidant, astringent, bactericidal, fingucidel, nervine and sedative properties. It also can be used as a deodorant and body tonic

Article (Click here)

Proven Beneficial to Cope with Acne and Pimples

It has remedial and restorative properties and hence widely used in curing acne and pimples. As it helps to clean the body of toxins, it also washes away the dirt and grime from the skin.

Article (Click here)

Benefits of Aromatic Lemongrass Bath

· Get rid of skin rash.

· Make skin smooth with citral oil content

· Reduce stress with soothing aromatic bath.

· Good for mothers who has just given birth.

· Good for babies with sensitive skin.

· Suitable for people with sensitive skin.

· Citral is natural antiseptic to kill bacteria.

· Soothing aromatic bath relieve stress.

Monday, July 4, 2011


As promised by Joyce during our Love 2 Dance line dance party, she have donated RM1,000 to SJK(C) Khe Beng. We are planing for another donation this month to visit Special children Society of Ampang.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Today Lesson


Party Freak (64 counts)