Wednesday, July 23, 2008

something about enzyme

Sunday, May 11, 2008

What do you know about ezymes?
Not long ago i found some good healthy ways to keep our body healthy and improve our immune system. Some people regard Enzyme as The Miracle Nutrient.

This enzyme are discovered by this Dr. Rosukun from Thailand. Enzymes are protein molecules that responsible for all biological activity in our body cells. There can be various types of enzymes which can be grouped under digestive enzymes including lipase, protease , and amylase and also under metabolic enzyme. Without enzymes , our body system will not be able to function well. In other words, no enzyme means no life! Scary right??

Enzymes act as catalysts in our body. Enzymes speed up chemical processes in our body otherwise without enzyme our body system will function very slow and may fail in functioning certain processes. Besides that Enzymes are very specific. Its like a key and a door. Only one key can fit in and open the door. Same goes to enzymes.

In other words, each enzyme can break down or synthesize one particular compound only.
Enzymes work only on renewable raw materials. Fruit, cereals, milk, fats, meat, cotton, leather and wood are some typical candidates for enzymatic conversion in industry. Both the usable products and the waste of most enzymatic reactions are non-toxic and readily broken down..I've drill my interest in this enzyme thingy because it saves time, money and moreover it naturally fermented.

There's no harm in taking enzyme compared to medicine. Its not that i am saying medicine is bad however medicine contains drug too! Why not try getting some enzymes instead of medicine. Building up own self immune system are much more better than falling sick and recover again right ? ^^Nowadays Enzymes DIY( DO IT YOURSELF) are widely known everywhere mostly in Asia. Enzymes can be fermented for years. To buy it you can ask some organic shops around about it. Its pretty expensive though but its good for health. Worth to buy or try making it yourself! Its fun~! ^^
Posted by Yukie Crazy Girl at 5/11/2008 11:06:00 PM

PuFF said...
Hey!!! i really agree, enzymes are awesome. everyone's doing it now. it works miracles. :D thanks for sharing this post.. i'm so gonna tell my dad "i told u so"-nic
May 11, 2008 11:58 PM


Christina said...

Who wrote this?

Banaena said...

I tot d name was posted?? Yukie Crazy Girl. Supposed BRP Team cut n paste from other blog. By the way, u can also use enzyme as meat tenderizer. Esp pineapple enzyme.