Look at all the faces.... All so happy. Got home make food to eat and jam dancing, what a party!
This is the first gathering party we had and looking forward to more.

This a whole group of line dancers from BRP line dancers, Kemuning Utama line dancers and Sri Muda line dancers and of course some of their family members.

The above is a special dish make by one of the Sri Muda line dancers. Whats the ingredient and name of the dish....oh sorry lah I forgot. But the taste is good and very exotic.

Wow, so many homemake food to eat. The menu................. too much to remember.

Rui Ting said...so many food to choose ah...hmmm let me see. Cheryl said..ayai just grab anything lah that can give us energy loh.

The above is a group of Sri Muda line dancers.
Below are one of the video that I am able to take before the night fall dark. Sorry the rest of the video is so dark and can only see their teeth.
1 comment:
Got to get different shoe laces so that I won't wear the wrong pair in the next jamming session
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