Special tea-break session for them as per our request.

This 64 old man was bedridden for few years and need to be taken care and his best friend is a Indian who doesnt mind even they are from different races or religion. He said we are all the same as a human in the eyes of God, the only difference is our skin color.

Some of the inmates sleeping here.

This kid is 13th years old was left here to fend for himself by his parent.
It makes me so depressed compare him with the kids now days. He have no choice NO CHOICE at all in this body of him. He cant eat or do anything at all, just waiting for some one to help feed, cloth and bath him. My heart bleed for him, he is just 13th and there are a long-long way waiting to grow old and die.
Please be thankful for what God have given you a normal body to survive and please make good use of it.
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