Thursday, November 11, 2010

Anxiety Breathing Techniques

I have come across this breathing techniques and I did it several time yesterday, its helps me to sleep better. Do try it out.

Anxiety Breathing Techniques and
Acupressure: A Powerful Self
Therapy For Anxiety and Stress

Learn classic anxiety breathing techniques combining slow, deep breathing with acupressure and self-massage. These form a powerful self therapy for anxiety, nervousness, emotional stress and tension.

Why breathing techniques for anxiety and other emotional problems? Emotions and breathing have a reciprocal relationship - when you are anxious, nervous or upset your breathing quickens and may even become erratic. When you are relaxed and composed your breathing is slow, calm and rhythmical. By controlling your breath, through regular practice of specific exercises, your mind and your emotions can be stilled.

Why massage? Acupressure massage involves pressing and rubbing certain points on your body known for their ability to relax the mind and calm the emotions. Doing acupressure in conjunction with anxiety breathing techniques, like the one below, greatly enhances the effectiveness of both methods in controlling and preventing anxiety, nervousness, stress and tension. While acupressure and breathing techniques for anxiety, etc, are safe to do, check with your health professional before trying any for the first time.

Anxiety Breathing Techniques - An Easy One To Try First

anxiety breathing techniqueFour-Seven-Eight Breath

Best done sitting but can be done standing or lying down.

1. Sit with your back straight and your hands resting comfortably in your lap or on your thighs.

Look ahead...try not to fix your gaze on anything in particular. Slightly closing your eyes helps.

Try to focus internally on your breathing.

All inhalations are done through your NOSE; all exhalations through your MOUTH.

Throughout the exercises keep the tip of your tongue in contact with the top of your mouth, just behind your top teeth.

2. Commence inhaling slowly, smoothly and deeply to a mental count of 4 seconds. Fill your lower lungs first (by pushing out your abdomen), then your middle and upper lungs.

Hold your breath for a mental count of 7 seconds.

Slowly and smoothly exhale for a mental count of 8 seconds.

As you exhale, try to let go of all your anxiety, tension & stress.

That's one round. Pause briefly without inhaling then start another round. This natural pauseis very therapeutic and relaxing.

Do 10-12 rounds to begin. Build up to 25-30 rounds several times a day AND whenever you feel anxious or nervous, etc.

Summary: Inhale for 4 seconds - Hold for 7 seconds - Exhale for 8 seconds - Pause briefly - Repeat.


  • Calms your mind
  • Tones your nervous system
  • Regulates your breathing
  • Balances your emotions


  • Can be done anywhere - on a bus, in a line, at work, before a test
  • If you lose your breath, stop, breathe freely then try again
  • With practice your pauses between rounds will naturally get longer
  • Soothing music or ear plugs can help reduce external distractions

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