Gallbladder Flush
Duration: 10 Days
Organic Apple Juice - 8 bottles
Organic Lemon Juice - 1/2 cup
Organic Olive Oil - 1/2 cup
Epsom Salt - 2 tsp
- Eat 4 to 5 apples or 4 glasses (1 litre) of apple juice per day for 6 days. Preferrably organic apples. Apple helps to soften the stones.
- On the 6th day, stop eating after lunch. At 6pm, take one teaspoon of Epsom Salt in a glass of warm water. Repeat the same at 8pm. At 10pm, mix half cup of lemon juice with half cup of olive oil and drink. Lemon juice helps to soften the bile duct. Olive oil stimulates excretion of bile that helps flushing the stone out of the body.
- In the next morning, soften stone (greenish in colour) should pass out with the stool (floating on the surface)
Why gallbladder flush?
When the liver is consistently stagnant, sediment oftern settles out of the bile and forms accumulation that resemble stones, sand or mud in the gallbladder. Since the gallbladder acts as a reservoir fpr bile, it becomes less efficient when clogged with sediment, causing acute problems when stones are lodged in the bile duct leading from the gallbladder to the duodenum. Gall bladder cleansing clears residues from the liver as well.
When do you do it?
Symptoms of sediment in gallbladder:
- Indigestion, flatulence (windy)
- Periodic pain below the right front side of the rib cage
- Tension in the back of the shoulder near the neck
- Bitter taste in the mouth, chest pain
- Most chronically ill people need gall bladder cleansing before recovery is complete; this includes individuals who regularly experience emotional stress.
Kidney Stone Flush
Duration : 10 Day
Organic Lemon Juice - 200 ml - 10 bottles
Method: Two (2) bottles of Why Not?(Trademark)Bio-dynamic Lemon Juice daily, dilute with water. Drink throughout the day for 5 days consecutively or one (1) bottle of lemon juice daily for 10 days.
See it for yourself!
The dissolved stones can be passed out painlessly through urination. However, some may feel slightly uncomfortable as the dissolved stones passed through the urinary tract.
May see stone passing out from the urine. It can be as small as a grain of sand.
One month after Kidney Stone Flush DIY, it is recommended to proceed with Gallbladder Flush DIY and Liver Detox DIY for an effective cleanse.
Generally, Kidney Stone Flush DIY can be repeated once a year.
Liver Detox DIY
Duration: 10 Days
Organic Lemon Juice - tbsp
Organic Molasses - 1 tbsp
Organic Olive Oil - 1 tsp
Organic Cayenne Pepper 1 pinch
Drink the above cocktail first thing in the morning for 10 days continuously
Why Liver Flush?
Often overlooked, when the liver (our largest internal organ) is over-stressed, all other organs starts to dysfunction. Our liver is constantly working to break down not only the environmental and external toxins that invade our body, but also those produced during normal metabolic processes in the body called internal toxins.
Liver is perhaps the most congested of all organs in our body. Too much fat, chemicals, intoxicants, and denatured food all disrupt the hundreds of intricate biochemical processes of the liver.
Love your liver: cleanse, detoxify and strengthen it, allowing your internal system to perform at optimum level.
When do you do it?
One of the first sign of liver disharmony is emotional difficulty related to anger: impatience, frustration, resentment, violence, belligerence, rudeness, edginess, arrogance, stubbornness, aggression and an impulsive and/or explosive personality. Depression, mood swings as well as excessively emotional in generally liver-related. Tiredness, dark circle under eyes, poor digestion and dull skins are also symptoms of poor liver function.
Health awarness must start early, start eating a lot of fruits before meals, after meals, the acid in fruits may sometime react with those things we have eaten, like oil, salt and ect.. thus turn to cancerous substances.
We use to eat at least 5 types (can be as much as 10 types depend on availibilty) of fruits each morning except Sat, straight from the refrigerator. Old folk said it is bad to do so, but look at both of us, we had this habit for the pass 20 over years already. On Sat we eat what ever we like, Sun we have Mellinia before dance class.
Recently we add lemon glass and pan lan leaves to our cereal with home made soya bean juice ( this is possible because a friend recently recommended a blender that can "hit" the staffs in it to become like flour). We started eating cereal since 1988 with milk first. Since the development of soya juice maker, we make our "soya milk" on most morning.
Will show you all how our healhty breakfast looks like next time.
Wah..sounds very healthy and sumptious. No wonder this couple look so fit and young. Frankly I have most of the health food gadgets and appliances such as soyamilk maker,ice-creame maker, wheatgrass grinder etc, but my enthusiasm is shortlived..due to laziness. But now with your inspiration, I think I will start the health regime as mentioned from this weekend onwards. Are you inviting us to breakfast this sat?? (Just kidding:p)
Breakfast at my house, why not??? Enzyme za spread on breads is equaly healthy.... but someone has to make some home made breads.
We had this kind of home made breads "competition" in our community before, it was fun.
Wow, its so tempting and I cant wait for this invitation. So, is this coming Saturday, breakfast at Youngmanlim hse and after that K.Ok session and than jam dance? This line dance session is getting very exciting with good healthy food and drinks.
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