Dear Christina,
At last you have an issue log to keep the IT manager busy. It is both glad and sorry to mention that no one has since logged in any issue after the department existed some 2 years' ago. At times the team wonders if the Department has really existed at all. It's of no secret that the country's economy has not been in the best shape for the recent months and news have been travelling around that there may be voluntary separation scheme and that the BRP-Linedance IT department is in a verge of closing down. It is not doubt that someone have passed these malicious comments around that the department is always being in deep hibernation and I truly hope to have your understanding that this is undesirable however such situation was uncalled for.
Back to the issue on your BLOG, please be mindful that all the photos and images that are uploaded in Blogger Blogs go straight into Picasa Web Albums and your issue could be due to the lack of management of this storage space. Go direct to Picasa Web and log in using your Google account. The home page is the “My Photos” page. You will see all your albums that are currently stored in Picasa Web. The Blog title is the name of the album and the number in brackets next to it tells you the number of images currently stored. At the bottom of the page, you can see a message in green small font which gives you an overall idea of how much storage space all your Blog images have taken up.
Click an album. You will be amazed to see some pictures that you may have uploaded onto your Blog and thought you had either removed, deleted or not used them. For instance, they may be images uploaded into draft posts or deleted posts, or images that had been wrongly uploaded. These images still reside in your account and are occupying the precious storage space. Now is the time to do some housekeeping. If you are very sure that a photo or picture has not been used and should not be there, click that picture and delete it. Note that if you had a link to this photo from your Blog posts, the link would be broken once it is deleted.
When poring through the photos, you may find some missing ones, in particular those that you had recently uploaded through your Blog posts. Refresh the Picasa Web Album page and the images will be there.
Blogger automatically saves all your new writing as Draft posts. This may be lead to a pileup of draft posts. For example, you could be working on a post with uploaded images but did not publish it. You may log off and when you are back into your account, you create yet another new post, forgetting that the earlier draft post had been stored. Make it a point to visit Posting -> Edit Posts and look through the lists of stored posts. Delete the draft posts that are no longer wanted. If there is a picture uploaded into that post, there will be a message asking you if you would like to keep the picture or have it removed. Unless you have copied the image location for future use or have other posts linking to this picture, it is better to delete it. It will then be removed from your Picasa Web Album.
Hope the above clues help in resolving your issue. If not, we will route this issue to Computer Clinic.
Best regards,
BRP Line Dance IT-Department
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