Sunday, August 24, 2008

bentong trip

ok, some suggestions, it is better to go on Sat because it is going to be a full day trip, save Sun for rest. We have to sart early, preferably reaching there not later than 8.30am, good food sold out early, so may have to leave BRP at 6.30am.

Breakfast has no problem, we can hantam at the hawker center. we can do potluck for lunch, KFC should pleased the kids, BBQ is fun but who will do the burning is the big question.

After breakfast we shop at the morning market for ginger and soya xi yao, then we head for the waterfall, it may take us 40mins to get there, so arriving at waterdfall should be around 10 or 11.00pm, play a while then makan and play again and maken and play again...and don't forget to remeber to come back home, our BRP...


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