Our blog seems to be very quite & low traffic lately. Everyone seems to mind their own biz more than contributing into this blog. Hey! Are you guys still on Raya Leave?? Our poor Chief Blogger Christina seems to be the sole entertainer at the moment even to the extend of revealing her "bedroom secret" to everyone out there.
What? You miss the article?? Nothing much lar, it's not behind closed doors but at the back of the draperies..Come on, let's not be too serious about our daily biz okay...:p
Why not play this......
During my old school days, I used to play lots of brainteasers, riddles, pop quiz and puzzles with my frens. We really enjoyed the guessing game and luv to do it during our pastimes. Although sometime we took weeks to solve some of the puzzles, we enjoy the challenges in finding the solutions for the trickiest riddles. Some of the riddles & brainteasers are our very own invention and don't undermine us, our own creation can be very tricky too, beyond imagination. Well, since all of you are getting bored with blogging, come and join me with the fun of guessing. Herewith one of my best brainteasers:
At the southern part of the Kelantan State, there was a swampy area which was the habitat of ferocious crocodiles. During the monsoon days, the flood water swept away a nearby village including all the livestocks and hence, our poor crocodiles have to suffer from hunger pangs for weeks. These predator beasts were so damn starving that they decided to lurk underneath the water, in wait for any animals which wander close before they could attack and feasting themselves.
It was then a sunny afternoon and a wild boar was walking towards the river, the part of the water where most of these crocodile are hiding. Oh dear..he wanted to get across the river! First, he observed the surrounding and contemplating whether he should take chances. At last, since there was no other option, he decided to thread across the river. Amazingly, he was able to cross over to the other side of the river,unharmed.. Hey! The crocodiles did not attack it.
Whoever solve this brainteaser will get a present...have fun guessing!!
Hi Bananena
It was sunny day ..all the crocodiles were having a nice siesta under the blue skies
or those halal crocodiles .NO PORK please..
This can be a logic answer provided the crocodiles have full stomach...
Good attempt, try harder!
The boar wait until all the crocodile have die of hunger. And Kim said the boar go across the bridge loh.
Hehehe...try harder.
The crocodiles are vegetarians!! Right Banaena?
The crocodiles are vegetarians!! Right Banaena?
I think I must "hoi gu" liao...since u guys are tired of guessing.
Well...it's Kelantan State, the crocs are muslims and they dun eat pork...hahaha!
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