The article on the Star newspaper on Saturday - 'line dancing for charity caught my attention. M reproducing the article here (sorry cannot upload the scan page ---grrrrrrr) . The link here : (if can get thru this link , let me know ah..cos this is my first time linking thing here and there)
Date / Day xxxxxxx/ Sunday July 13, 2008
Time 9am – 2pm
Place HGH Convention Centre , Jalan Sentul
Fees RM 30 / - nett per pax
(participants will receive a T-shirt, a bottle of mineral water & a snack)
The proceeds will go to Alzheimer Disease Foundation Malaysia, Jinjang Shelter Workshop, SJK (C) Sentul, Persatuan Kebajikan Orang Tua dan Kanak-Kanak. You may contact MrTan Ho Seong (012-3836104) for more details on this event.
Dear Janice, its a wrong date. It should be 13th July
Its a good idea, for us to do charity as well as enjoying ourselves. 2 in 1.
Thanks for getting further info. Count me in.Not sure can go on that day however,anything for a good cause no problem.
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