Saturday, June 21, 2008


Attached is a picture re-colour by my 14 years old daughter and its her point of view of the environment she and all the children want to leave in. The picture have spoken by itself with a thousand words. Please do not pollute our earth and please leave the best for our next generation. Mother nature is definitely very angry and she is showing her anger throughout the world(tsunami, earthquakes and flood in China, and etc..) Please take this seriously or even more disaster is coming your way very soon...........(strong wind, lightning, heavy rain, very high temperature and sudden change of weather) or mabye tomorrow.


Banaena said...

This is indeed a nice paintings. Very serene and peaceful. I believe what u said, ur daughter is gifted.

Christina said...

Sori, I heard it wrongly from my daughter on the drawing. Actually, u can find it the internet. She just re-colour it so that it look more lively.

JLim said...

We are borrowing Mother Earth from our children's children..Make sure we return a Healthy Mother to the future..

Reduce, Recyle, Reuse,