Dear members,
In case you are not aware, I have also developed my personal blog (ahem!) in conjunction with the birth of BRP Line Dance Homepage.
With the continuous encouragement and motivation from Christina, I have built the blog from scratch and finally got the courage to "get it out of street"("Chu-Kai"). I have learnt some blogging tricks, e.g. layout setting and so forth through a number of trials and errors. Nevertheless, I enjoy the learning process and I feel that it is time for me to share this piece of work with all of you. Hope this will also encourage all of you to build your own homepage.
Well, the layout of my blog is a standard template and it is not that fanciful and appealing as our Linedance's Blog. But i do hope that the Banana will make you salivating (Don't think otherwise ok!) This is just a little corner of mine to share my learnings with anyone who is keen for spiritual development. There are also sharings of some household tips and recipes, vacation info and other kepoh-kepoh around activities. Feel free to view and read my craps whenever situation permits. Your comments and feedback are most welcome.
I promise to compose and post more juicy compositions for your reading pleasure.Anyway, this blog is rated "U" and is child-friendly[Becos some of the details are quite childish ma..]. If you are expecting any adult-rated materials, this Blog is definitely not suitable for you as you will be highly disspointed.
You can access my blog via my profile or from the following link
Thank you for your kind support!
I have ran thru you receipt and its really very salivating indeed. Especially the cheese cake and I hope is low fat. So, when can we have some to try. I like eating only, dont like to bake cake. Lazy....
The pic can be really deceiving.. I believe it's the jelly tat make it look attractive. Well, cheesecake is definitely not low fat. But at least it is high in protein and low carbo (reduce sugar and flour.) Anyway, will try to bake one next weekend if u dun mind to be guinea pig.
Sure, guinea pig anytime.
another volunteer guinea pig here!
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